README FOR XBILL "X2" EXPANSION PACK AUGUST 17TH 1998. ---------------------------------------------------------- Files, And Graphics Packs Made By AiE(tm.) Are Licensed For Use Free of Charge. "X2" Contents May Not Be Re-Distributed for Pay, Or Licensed From Non-AiE(tm.) 3rd Parties. If you *do* charge for the re-distribution of the "X2" Expansion pack you may not request more than that of the total cost for the re-distribution. IE= zip disks, shipping..etc. For More information On our other products, or to check out our soon to be released adventure game called "TALUS" Or even learn more about AiE(tm.) An it's variety of high-impact software projects please feel free to stop by our website: home of the kewlest small software team on the net! :) ---------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: this extension pack is provided AS-IS and we will not be responsible for any harm that comes to your computer etc.. yadda yadda. however note we'd be happy to take full responsibility for your enjoyment of the "X2" pack and... yadda yaadaaa :) Also since it's freeware, and was a side project for us.. we can't and won't provide technical support for the "X2" pack.. but you shouldn't have any problems seeing as it's only graphics and stuff. :p ------------------------------------------------------------ END OF README FOR XBILL "X2" EXPANSION PACK AUGUST 17TH 1998.